Coming soon: extra warehouse for DFDS Wijchen

Coming soon: extra warehouse for DFDS Wijchen

Propelled by the Brexit-related increasing demand for warehouse space in the Netherlands, DFDS Wijchen is currently building a brand-new, extra warehouse. To make sure that DFDS Wijchen can keep servicing new and existing customers, the brand-new 12,500 sqm warehouse will open its docks in November 2021.

Choose stability

transport begeleiding

“The Brexit is creating a lot of chaos”, explains Business Development Director John Scholten. “Increasing costs, ridiculous waiting times and a jungle of paperwork. At DFDS Wijchen, we want to turn that chaos into stability. The construction of our new warehouse, with an extra 20.000 pallet locations, really comes at the right time for companies who want to reallocate their European distribution.”

Don’t hesitate, reallocate

Scholten sees a lot of potential for companies who want to reallocate their warehouse to the mainland of Europe: “We’ve already taken care of the reallocation for several clients based in Asia, the USA and the UK. They immediately notice the strategic benefit. By moving your EDC from the UK to the Netherlands, DFDS Wijchen becomes your gateway to Europe.”

Scholten continues: “Of course, in combination with our warehouse in Corby, you will still have an important support location in the UK available to you. Our warehouses in Wijchen serve to supply clients in Europe, whereas Corby keeps an emergency supply on hand and provides added value due from our role as a UK expert.”

DFDS Wijchen targets ISO13485 for medical devices and equipment

The new warehouse is not the only ambitious plan Scholten wants to share. “Five years have already gone by since DFDS Wijchen first started delivering transports for clients in the healthcare sector”, Scholten recalls. “Now we transport medical equipment on a daily basis from the Benelux to the United Kingdom and Ireland, and we can justifiably claim to be a healthcare specialist.”

It’s a claim DFDS Wijchen is proud to make and one that we also aim to strengthen further. Scholten: “That is also why we aim to become ISO13485 certified, before July 2021. This standard ISO13485 is an international standard for manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors of medical equipment and devices. With this certificate in hand, we aim to further expand and strengthen our expertise in this sector.”

Want to know more?

Do you wish to learn more about the new opportunities of the announced warehouse DFDS Wijchen’s view on the targeted ISO-certification and what it can mean for your business? Feel free to contact Business Development Department.

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