Since our previous White Paper, a lot has happened in Brexitland: the exit date has shifted to 31 October, eight alternative options found no approval in the House of Commons and Prime Minister May has resigned. At the same time, not much has changed, strangely enough. Everyone is still living with the uncertainty. Will it be a no-deal Brexit, or will there be a deal after all?
Only 6 weeks remain until a potential hard Brexit. We would like to inform you of the latest news around transporting goods to the United Kingdom and what responsibilities you will have as a client.
After providing tips in our white paper on the Brexit a while ago to avoid surprises, we had been hoping to gain a bit more clarity and certainty by now. Unfortunately that’s not the case. New situations – to put it mildly – do not lead to a less tumultuous situation. Read more about it here.
De Brexit houdt de gemoederen flink bezig, in het bijzonder bij bedrijven die straks te maken krijgen met de voorgenomen handelsbarrières. Maar wat gaat er nu precies gebeuren? Wat kunt u als ondernemer verwachten? En belangrijker nog: hoe voorkomt u dat u straks voor verrassingen komt te staan?